More Pieces to the 1965/1966/1967 Philadelphia Uncut Sheet Puzzle

October 13th, 2012  |  Published in New in the Gallery

Yesterday I found two more clues as to how uncut sheets of 1965, 1966, and 1967 Philadelphia football cards were configured. From looking at miscut cards, I have determined that uncut sheets from those three sets all had the same numbering scheme, so finding a piece of one helps me with all three. See the last section of my sheets in progress page for details.

Here are the new clues: a Saints team card with a sliver of Sonny Jurgensen’s card showing on the left, and a Bears insignia card with a sliver of a St. Louis Cardinals insignia card showing on the left.
1967 Philadelphia New Orleans Saints team football card1967 Philadelphia Chicago Bears insignia football card

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